If you’ve not already worked it out from the name of the blog, I’m Kira. And surprise surprise, this blog is going to be about all things hair! But with a little twist…

Back in 2022 I was diagnosed with androgenetic alopecia, which is basically just a fancier term for female pattern hair loss – to say I was absolutely soul destroyed, is a bit of an understatement.

Currently, there’s an overwhelming amount of stigma surrounding female hair loss, and so feelings of shame and embarrassment are commonplace with this type of diagnosis. As such, you’d do anything to keep your hair loss under wraps, making it an extremely isolating experience.

And that my friends, has been the real driving force behind Kira’s Hairsay. To make steps towards the de-stigmatisation of female hair loss it’s important to talk about it, so talk I shall.

I hope this blog makes life feel that little bit easier for any readers coming to terms with their own hair loss, because creating it has genuinely helped me with mine.

I hope you enjoy,



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